Gourds Quotes

The party in power, like Jonah's gourd, grew up quickly, and will quickly fall.
"David Crockett: The Man and the Legend". Book by James Atkins Shackford, p. 107, 1994.
Season of mists and mellow fruitfulness, Close bosom-friend of the maturing sun.
"To Autumn" l. 1 (1820)
Like Jonah, you may lose your gourd, but you cannot lose your God.
Spurgeon, Charles H. “The Complete Works of C. H. Spurgeon, Volume 59: Sermons 3335-3386”, Delmarva Publications, Inc.
Henry David Thoreau (1873). “A Week on the Concord and Merrimack Rivers”, p.99
Thomas Cogswell Upham (1844). “Principles of the Interior Or Hidden Life: Designed Particularly for the Consideration of Those who are Seeking Assurance of Faith and Perfect Love”, p.283
Ann Coulter (2003). “Slander: Liberal Lies About the American Right”, p.5, Crown Forum