
Benghazi Quotes

Benghazi happened a long time ago.

Benghazi happened a long time ago.

"FBI says no connection between belated photo release and Benghazi media coverage", May 2, 2013.

I have been to Libya and walked the streets of Benghazi myself.

"State of the Union With Candy Crowley", September 16, 2012.

There's no way we can get to the bottom of Benghazi without David Petraeus.

"Congressman Gowdy: David Petraeus Will Be A Witness In Benghazi Terror Probe". "On the Record" with Greta Van Susteren, November 10, 2012.

I agree with Donna Brazile who said about Benghazi: "We got to preven dis from hapinin agen. "

"Chris Wallace Interviews Joe Biden: A Retrospective". Interview with Chris Wallace, October 22, 2015.