
Talcott Parsons Quotes

Theory not only formulates what we know but also tells us what we want to know, that is, the questions to which an answer is needed.

Talcott Parsons (1968). “The structure of social action: a study in social theory with special reference to a group of recent European writers”

If capitalism begins as the practical idealism of the aspiring bourgeoisie, it ends ... as an orgy of materialism.

Max Weber, Talcott Parsons (2003). “The Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of Capitalism”, p.3, Courier Corporation

The importance of certain problems concerning the facts will be inherent in the structure of the system.

Talcott Parsons (1968). “The structure of social action: a study in social theory with special reference to a group of recent European writers”

If observed facts of undoubted accuracy will not fit any of the alternatives it leaves open, the system itself is in need of reconstruction.

Talcott Parsons (1968). “The structure of social action: a study in social theory with special reference to a group of recent European writers”

Spencers god was Evolution, sometimes also called Progress.

Talcott Parsons, Peter Hamilton (1985). “Readings from Talcott Parsons”, Chichester [West Sussex] : E. Horwood ; London ; New York : Tavistock Publications

Empirical interest will be in the facts so far as they are relevant to the solution of these problems.

Talcott Parsons (1968). “The structure of social action: a study in social theory with special reference to a group of recent European writers”

A theoretical system does not merely state facts which have been observed and that logically deducible relations to other facts which have also been observed.

Talcott Parsons (1968). “The structure of social action: a study in social theory with special reference to a group of recent European writers”

A scientifically unimportant discovery is one which, however true and however interesting for other reasons, has no consequences for a system of theory with which scientists in that field are concerned.

Talcott Parsons (1937). “The Structure of Social Action: A Study in Social Theory with Special Reference to a Group of Recent European Writers”

Special emphasis should be laid on this intimate interrelation of general statements about empirical fact with the logical elements and structure of theoretical systems.

Talcott Parsons (1968). “The structure of social action: a study in social theory with special reference to a group of recent European writers”