Michael Foot Quotes

Michael Foot (1984). “Another heart and other pulses: the alternative to the Thatcher society”, HarperCollins
Men of power have no time to read; yet the men who do not read are unfit for power.
Michael Foot (1980). “Debts of Honour”, London : Davis Poynter
Interview, 1980.
Politicians live in little worlds of their own and imagine these are the universe.
"Another heart and other pulses: the alternative to the Thatcher society".
Socialism without public ownership is nothing but a fantastic apology.
The Daily Herald, 1956.
The only man I knew who could make a curse sound like a caress.
1962 Of Aneurin Bevan. Aneurin Bevan 1897-1945, vol.1.
Morning Star, 1976.
Michael Foot's speech to the Union of Post Office Workers in Bournemouth, May 15, 1977.
How long will it be before the cry goes up: "Let's kill all the judges"?
Michael Foot's speech at the Scottish Miners' Gala in Edinburgh (attacking the National Industrial Relations Court and its President, Sir John Donaldson), June 3, 1972.
BBC's "Panorama", March 22, 1976.
The Daily Telegraph, 1977.
Think of it! A second chamber selected by the Whips. A seraglio of eunuchs.
'Hansard' 3 February 1969, col. 88
Michael Foot's remarks on the Profumo Scandal, 1963.
Michael Foot's remarks on Tony Blair, 1995.
There are judges who stretch the law... to suit reactionary attitudes.
ITV's "People and Politics", May 9, 1974.