Mark Tobey Quotes

Mark Tobey, J. François Mathey (1962). “Mark Tobey: Retrospective Exhibition, Paintings and Drawings 1925-1961 Whitechapel Gallery, London 1962”
Mark Tobey, Wesley Wehr, Cheney Cowles Memorial Museum (1988*). “Mark Tobey, a new look: Cheney Cowles Museum, Spokane, February 19-March 27, 1988”
Mark Tobey, Arthur L. Dahl (1984). “Mark Tobey, art and belief”, George Ronald Pub Ltd
Mark Tobey, Arthur L. Dahl (1984). “Mark Tobey, art and belief”, George Ronald Pub Ltd
Bahai lecture; as quoted in "Abstract Expressionist Painting in America", W.C. Seitz, 1983, pp. 66/67, 1951.
Mark Tobey, Arthur L. Dahl (1984). “Mark Tobey, art and belief”, George Ronald Pub Ltd
I've tried to decentralize and interpenetrate so that all parts of a painting are of related value.
"Abstract Expressionism". Book by Barbara Hess, Taschen, Köln, p. 60, 2006.
We look at the mountain to see the painting, then we look at the painting to see the mountain.
Mark Tobey, Kosme María de Barañano Letamendía, Matthias Bärmann, Museo Nacional Centro de Arte Reina Sofía (1997). “Mark Tobey”
"Abstract Expressionist Painting in America". Book by William C. Seitz, p. 103, 1983.
"Mark Tobey, a new look: Cheney Cowles Museum, Spokane, February 19-March 27, 1988".
Bahai lecture, New York; as quoted in "Abstract Expressionist Painting in America", W.C. Seitz, 1983, p. 10, October 30, 1951.
We have tried to fit man into abstraction, but he does not fit.
Bahai lecture, New York; as quoted in "Abstract Expressionist Painting in America", W.C. Seitz, 1983, p. 104, October 30, 1951.
Every artist's problem today is: What will we do with the human?
Mark Tobey, Arthur L. Dahl (1984). “Mark Tobey, art and belief”, George Ronald Pub Ltd
"Reminiscence and Reverie" by Mark Tobey, Magazine of Art, 44, pp. 228, 231, October 1951.
"Abstract Expressionist Painting in America". Book by W.C. Seitz, p.58, In conversation with Seitz, 1983.