
Lewis Sperry Chafer Quotes

Nothing could be more misdirected than a self-directed life.

Nothing could be more misdirected than a self-directed life.

Lewis Sperry Chafer (1983). “He That Is Spiritual: A Classic Study of the Biblical Doctrine of Spirituality”, p.87, Zondervan

Salvation is a work of God for man, rather than a work of man for God.

Lewis Sperry Chafer, Robert J. Choun, Jr. (2004). “Salvation: God's Marvelous Work of Grace”, p.45, Kregel Publications

When led of the Spirit, the child of God must be as ready to wait as to go, as prepared to be silent as to speak.

Lewis Sperry Chafer (1944). “True Evangelism: Or Winning Souls By Prayer”, p.76, Moody Publishers

Heaven is a prepared place for a prepared people.

Lewis Sperry Chafer (1947). “Systematic Theology”

It may be a secret sin on earth, but it is open scandal in heaven.

Lewis Sperry Chafer (1926). “Major Bible Themes: Present Forty-Nine Vital Doctrines of the Scriptures, Abbreviated and Simplified for Popular Use, Including Suggestive Questions on Each Chapter; with Topical and Textual Indeces.”, p.59, Moody Publishers

The lost are never saved by confessing and the saved are never restored by believing.

Lewis Sperry Chafer (1995). “Grace: An Exposition of God's Marvelous Gift”, p.29, Kregel Publications