
Jehane Noujaim Quotes

It's important in any project to remain focused.

Live chat, May 31, 2001.

I'll continue making films because I love being able to drop into other people's worlds. My goal is to be constantly learning.

"DVD RE-RUN: Jehane Noujaim On 'Control Room': 'My Loyalties Are to the Characters'". Interview with Erica Abeel, October 25, 2004.

When I hear the words 'activist filmmaking,' I think of somebody who's an activist, who wants to prove a particular point.

"15 Questions with Jehane Noujaim". Interview with Synne D. Chapman, May 14, 2008.

Al Jazeera is demonized by the United States, yet in Egypt my father would be watching it.

"DVD RE-RUN: Jehane Noujaim On 'Control Room': 'My Loyalties Are to the Characters'". Interview with Erica Abeel, October 25, 2004.

You know, Arabs are critical of United States foreign policy, but they also associate the U.S. with democratic principles and opportunity.

"DVD RE-RUN: Jehane Noujaim On 'Control Room': 'My Loyalties Are to the Characters'". Interview with Erica Abeel, October 25, 2004.

Al Jazeera is one entity that everyone across the Arab world watches. Arabs are proud of that.

"Inside Al Jazeera". Interview with Deborah Solomon, April 25, 2004.

Traveling around the world during the World Cup in 2006, I was thinking, 'Wow, this is such an incredible and global event.'

"15 Questions with Jehane Noujaim". Interview with Synne D. Chapman, May 14, 2008.

I've discovered I can't make a film about people I dislike.

"DVD RE-RUN: Jehane Noujaim On 'Control Room': 'My Loyalties Are to the Characters'". Interview with Erica Abeel, October 25, 2004.