James Nicoll Quotes
Never bring a gun to a fight where the other guy has a time-machine and tomorrow's newspapers.
Usenet article, 2006.
Usenet article, 2005.
Romeo and Juliet *died*. I always liked that in a teen romance story.
Usenet article, 1996.
Nothin'g sa'ys q'uality fantas'y l'ike misuse'd apos'tro'phes.
Usenet article, 2004.
Usenet article, 2002.
Usenet article, 2005.
I can't help but notice that everytime I fly somewhere, other people's planes fall out of the sky.
Usenet article <7vq0fu$mob$1@watserv3.uwaterloo.ca>, 1999.
Usenet article, 2005.
Usenet article, 2005.
Usenet article, 2003.
Usenet article <efprv2$bpa$1@reader1.panix.com>, 2006.
You may have trouble getting permission to aero or lithobrake asteroids on Earth.
Usenet article, 2000.
Usenet article, 2003.
I don't mind hidden depths but I insist that there be a surface.
Livejournal post, 2005.
Deadly nightshade is the only plant I have ever been able to get to grow for me.
Usenet article <ddvioe$rao$1@reader2.panix.com>, 2005.
Usenet article <dgpfn2$h61$1@reader1.panix.com>, 2005.