Isaac Ambrose Quotes

Isaac Ambrose (1832). “Looking Unto Jesus: A View of the Everlasting Gospel, Or, the Soul's Eyeing of Jesus, as Carrying on the Great Work of Man's Salvation, from First to Last”, p.715
Isaac Ambrose “The Christian Warrior”, Digital Puritan Press
Isaac Ambrose (1769). “War with Devils: Ministration Of, and Communion with Angels”, p.65
Isaac Ambrose (1737). “Prima, media, & ultima: the first, middle, and last things, in three treatises : wherein is set forth, I. The doctrine of regeneration or the new birth, II. The practice of sanctification, in the meanes, duties, ordinances, both secret, private and publike, for continuance and increase of a godly life, III. Certain meditations of [brace] mans misery in his [brace] life, death, judgement, & execution, gods mercy in our [brace] redemption & salvation”
Isaac Ambrose (1832). “Looking Unto Jesus: A View of the Everlasting Gospel, Or, the Soul's Eyeing of Jesus, as Carrying on the Great Work of Man's Salvation, from First to Last”, p.715