Life is not about finding our limitations, it's about finding our infinity.
Don't be afraid to expand yourself, to step out of your comfort zone. That's where the joy and the adventure lie.
Music isn't about music, it's about life.
Jazz is really about the human experience. It’s about the ability of human beings to take the worst of circumstances and struggles and turn it into something creative and constructive. That’s something that’s built into the fiber of every human being. And I think that’s why people can respond to it. They feel the freedom in it. And the attributes of jazz are also admirable. It’s about dialogue. It’s about sharing. And teamwork. It’s in the moment, and it's nonjudgmental.
You would not exist if you did not have something to bring to the table of life.
The spirit of jazz is the spirit of openness.
A great teacher is one who realizes that he himself is also a student and whose goal is not dictate the answers, but to stimulate his students' creativity enough so that they go out and find the answers themselves.
Forget about trying to compete with someone else. Create your own pathway. Create your own new vision.
Jazz is about being in the moment.
Jazz is a music that is open enough to borrow from any other form of music, and has the strength to influence any other form of music.
The true artform is being a human being.
You make different colors by combining those colors that already exist.
Music is the tool to express life - and all that makes a difference.
All you have to do is play one note. But it needs to be the right note.
You can practice to attain knowledge, but you can't practice to attain wisdom.
When you struggle to reach for something you don't know, that's where most of the interesting stuff is.
Music truly is the universal language.
The most valuable things in life are priceless. They are courage, compassion, wisdom, respect for ourselves and others, and a host of characteristics that we call the beauty of the human spirit.
Music happens to be an art form that transcends language.
I think there's a great beauty to having problems. That's one of the ways we learn.
The strongest thing that any human being has going is their own integrity and their own heart. As soon as you start veering away from that, the solidity that you need in order to be able to stand up for what you believe in and deliver what's really inside, it's just not going to be there.
Of course, it's not the technique that makes the music; it's the sensitivity of the musician and his ability to be able to fuse his life with the rhythm of the times. This is the essence of music.
It's part of life to have obstacles. It's about overcoming obstacles; that's the key to happiness.
We need to put into practice the idea of embracing other cultures. We need to be shaping the kind of world we want to live in instead of waiting for someone else or some other entities to do it for us.
But, the truth is that everyone is somebody already.