
Esther Dyson Quotes

I would much rather see responsibilities exercised by individuals than have them imposed by the government.

"On the Frontier: An Interview with Esther Dyson". Interview with Virginia Postrel, October, 1996.

As long as a government can come and shoot you, you can't jump on the Internet to freedom.

"Lots of action on the Net -- but not much change" by Stewart Deck, May 28, 1998.

I joined the board of the Santa Fe Institute.

"On the Frontier". Interview with Virginia Postrel, October, 1996.

People need to understand that the technology is for them. It's not to them. It's not over them. People still sometimes want to be led a little too much.

"After Banner Decade, Peering in on the Future of Technology". "PBS NewsHour", January 3, 2010.

I became a real free market fanatic. I'm probably less so now than even two or three years ago.

"On the Frontier: An Interview with Esther Dyson". Interview with Virginia Postrel, October, 1996.