
Darold Treffert Quotes

All Quotes Art Autism Genius

Savant syndrome and autism, I think, are not disorders of brain structure, but they're disorders of brain function.

"Conversations on Creativity with Darold Treffert, Part III:". Interview with Scott Barry Kaufman, April 15, 2011.

The beginning of wisdom is to call things by their right names in research.

"Conversations on Creativity with Darold Treffert, Part II: D". Interview with Scott Barry Kaufman, April 13, 2011.

Savant syndrome, characteristically, consists of left hemisphere dysfunction coupled with right hemisphere emergence, and what you see in the savant are basically right brain skills.

"Conversations on Creativity with Darold Treffert, Part III:". Interview with Scott Barry Kaufman, April 15, 2011.

We have medicalized a lot of things that I think are not really medical conditions.

"Conversations on Creativity with Darold Treffert, Part I: De". Interview with Scott Barry Kaufman, April 11, 2011.

Not everyone who has a savant skill I would equate with a genius.

"Conversations on Creativity with Darold Treffert, Part I: De". Interview with Scott Barry Kaufman, April 11, 2011.

To some extent, we all have quirks or idiosyncrasies, and some geniuses, because of how bright they are and how focused they are, may have liberal eccentricities, but they're not at a disabling level.

"Conversations on Creativity with Darold Treffert, Part I: De". Interview with Scott Barry Kaufman, April 11, 2011.