
Bryan Ferry Quotes

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It must be quite difficult if you have a father who's sort of known. On the other hand, you can get a job in his band.

"Bryan Ferry Talks New Solo Album, Roxy Music". Interview with Ryan Dombal, October 12, 2010.

As you get older, you get a bit more serious.

"Bryan Ferry Talks New Solo Album, Roxy Music". Interview with Ryan Dombal, October 12, 2010.

It's quite funny that, 20 years ago, one would have thought putting out a fragrance would [negatively] affect your musical credibility. Now it may enhance it.

"Bryan Ferry Talks New Solo Album, Roxy Music". Interview with Ryan Dombal, October 12, 2010.

I will be putting out a fragrance - I'm following in the great steps of Puff Daddy.

"Bryan Ferry Talks New Solo Album, Roxy Music". Interview with Ryan Dombal, October 12, 2010.

While it's a great indulgence, it's also very interesting to have three bass players on the same track.

"Bryan Ferry Talks New Solo Album, Roxy Music". Interview with Ryan Dombal, October 12, 2010.

Words can be very powerful. I find them very difficult.

"Roxy Music legend Bryan Ferry unwinds in Paris" by Talia Soghomonian, December 2002.

I tour a lot, sometimes like a hundred shows a year.

"Hot Tracks: Bryan Ferry's New Solo Album, Avonmore". Interview with Lisa Robinson, November, 2014.