Alexander Pope Quotes about Science

How index-learning turns no student pale, Yet holds the eel of science by the tail!
Alexander Pope (1856). “The Poetical Works of Alexander Pope”, p.247
"An Epistle to Dr. Arbuthnot" l. 131 (1735)
Alexander Pope, Alexander Chalmers (1807). “A Supplementary Volume to the Works of Alexander Pope, Esq: Containing Pieces of Poetry, Not Inserted in Warburton's and Warton's Editions : and a Collection of Letters, Now First Published”, p.118
To teach vain Wits that Science little known, T' admire Superior Sense, and doubt their own!
Alexander Pope, “An Essay On Criticism”
'An Essay on Man' Epistle 1 (1733) l. 99
Know, Nature's children all divide her care, The fur that warms a monarch warmed a bear.
Alexander Pope, John Wilson Croker (1871). “The Works: Including Several Hundred Unpublished Letters, and Other New Materials”, p.403
Alexander Pope, William Roscoe (1847). “The works of Alexander Pope, esq., with notes and illustrations, by himself and others. To which are added, a new life of the author, an Estimate of his poetical character and writings, and occasional remarks by William Roscoe, esq”, p.239
To observations which ourselves we make, we grow more partial for th' observer's sake.
'Epistles to Several Persons' 'To Lord Cobham' (1734) l. 11
New, distant Scenes of endless Science rise: So pleas'd at first, the towring Alps we try.
Alexander Pope, William Roscoe (1847). “The Works of Alexander Pope, Esq., with Notes and Illustrations, by Himself and Others. To which are Added, a New Life of the Author, an Estimate of His Poetical Character and Writings, and Occasional Remarks by William Roscoe, Esq”, p.340
Nature and nature's laws lay hid in the night. God said, Let Newton be! and all was light!
"Epitaph: Intended for Sir Isaac Newton" l. 1 (1730) See Squire 1
One science only will one genius fit; so vast is art, so narrow human wit.
Alexander Pope (1835). “The works of Alexander Pope; with a memoir of the author, notes [&c.] by G. Croly”, p.60
Alexander Pope, Alexander Dyce (1854). “The poetical works of Alexander Pope: with a life”, p.5