Alexander Pope Quotes about Joy

You purchase pain with all that joy can give and die of nothing but a rage to live.
Alexander Pope, Samuel Johnson (1822). “The poems of Alexander Pope”, p.91
Alexander Pope (1847). “The works of Alexander Pope, with notes and illustrations, by himself and others. To which are added, a new life of the author [&c.] by W. Roscoe”, p.59
Who ne'er knew joy but friendship might divide,Or gave his father grief but when he died.
Alexander Pope, Samuel Johnson (1839). “The Poetical Works of Alexander Pope: In 1 volume”, p.159
O let us still the secret joy partake, To follow virtue even for virtue's sake.
Alexander Pope (1856). “The poetical works of Alexander Pope: with memoir, critical dissertation, and explanatory notes”, p.131
Reason's whole pleasure, all the joys of sense, Lie in three words,-health, peace, and competence.
Alexander Pope (1806). “The Works of Alexander Pope, Esq. In Verse and Prose: Containing the Principal Notes of Drs. Warburton and Warton: Illustrations, and Critical and Explanatory Remarks, by Johnson, Wakefield, A. Chalmers, F.S.A. and Others. To which are Added, Now First Published, Some Original Letters, with Additional Observations, and Memoirs of the Life of the Author”, p.154
"The Rape of the Lock and Other Major Writings: Poems and Other Writings".