
African Spir Quotes

There is only one thing in the world that is really valuable, it is to do good.

There is only one thing in the world that is really valuable, it is to do good.

"Words of a Sage: Selected thoughts of African Spir". Book by African Spir, p. 56, 1973.

We can, following the exemple of Kant, consider the moral development and improvement of men, as the supreme goal of human evolution.

"Paroles d'un sage: Choix de pensées d'African Spir" ("Words of a Sage : Selected thoughts of African Spir") by Hélène Claparède-Spir, (p. 61), 1937.

The appalling and shameful scene ("spectacle", Fr.) of disarray and illogicality that manifest itself in the thought and deeds of men, will no longer be seen, once these will possess an enlighten consciouness.

"Paroles d'un sage: Choix de pensées d'African Spir" ("Words of a Sage : Selected thoughts of African Spir") by Hélène Claparède-Spir, (p. 61), 1937.

In the actual state of social relationships, the forms ("formes", Fr.) of politeness are necessary as a subsitute to benevolence.

"Paroles d'un sage: Choix de pensées d'African Spir" ("Words of a Sage : Selected thoughts of African Spir") by Hélène Claparède-Spir, (p. 50), 1937.

As long as men will not be freed from their errors and delusions, humanity will not be able to go towards ("marcher vers", Fr.) the accomplishment of its true destinies.

"Paroles d'un sage: Choix de pensées d'African Spir" ("Words of a Sage : Selected thoughts of African Spir") by Hélène Claparède-Spir, (p. 60), 1937.

The well understood equity as well as interest of society demand that we work on much more to prevent crime and offenses than to punish them.

"Paroles d'un sage: Choix de pensées d'African Spir" ("Words of a Sage : Selected thoughts of African Spir") by Hélène Claparède-Spir, (p. 52), 1937.

Only a moral education based on free inner discipline can bring to bear a salutary action and lead to a true morality.

"Words of a Sage : Selected thoughts of African Spir". Book by Hélène Claparède-Spir, p. 59, 1937.

It is not on the ruin of liberty that we may (in the future... - "pourra", Fr.) build justice.

"Paroles d'un sage: Choix de pensées d'African Spir" ("Words of a Sage : Selected thoughts of African Spir") by Hélène Claparède-Spir, (p. 46), 1937.

The first principle from which stems the moral of about all people at all time; it is summarized in this precept: Love thy neighbour as thyself, and: do as you would be done by.

"Paroles d'un sage: Choix de pensées d'African Spir" ("Words of a Sage : Selected thoughts of African Spir") by Hélène Claparède-Spir, (p. 38), 1937.