I have been interested in Irish traditional music for the past few years.
I'm a traditional wife in every sense.
I am very traditional, and I am the disciplinarian.
I'm less of a straight-up, traditional vocalist.
I want the traditional family upheld, but I don't want it upheld to the detriment of other people.
When I started out I was definitely more traditional. It was 1988. Everyone was doing the Jerry Seinfeld.
Facebook is terrifying to the traditional games biz.
I always envisioned myself having a traditional and elegant wedding.
Looking at traditional marriages, it seems the surest way for a woman to be alone is to get married.
Traditional ad agencies have so much to unlearn.
For me, victory isn't measured by winning in the traditional sense.
The music that I play and that I like is traditional music, maybe it's because of my age.
As far as the work I did with Timbaland, it was his sound and I just kinda floated in his direction. I just rapped over his traditional beats.
It's not a traditional America anymore.
While traditional BI is interested in the 'what and the where,' data scientists are interested in the 'how and why'.