
Sunshine Quotes - Page 11

The world forgetting, by the world forgot. Eternal sunshine of the spotless mind! Each pray'r accepted, and each wish resign'd

Alexander Pope, William Warburton (Bp. of Gloucester), Colley Cibber (1804). “The poetical works of Alexander Pope: with his last corrections, additions and improvements”, p.164

He who does not believe has no soul. He is empty. He has no ideals. He has nothing to live for. He has no sunshine, no light. No joy in life. He is a poor, poor man.

"Fate — I believe!". Speech on November 03, 1936. "Wir alle helfen dem Führer". Book by Robert Ley, pp. 103-114, 1937.

Portraits are to daily faces As an evening west To a fine, pedantic sunshine In a satin vest.

Emily Dickinson, Ralph William Franklin (1999). “The Poems of Emily Dickinson”, p.84, Harvard University Press