Oil Quotes - Page 27

Matthew Henry, Leslie F. Church (1992). “The NIV Matthew Henry Commentary in One Volume: Based on the Broad Oak Edition”, p.2343, Harper Collins
Mark R. Levin (2009). “Liberty and Tyranny: A Conservative Manifesto”, p.73, Simon and Schuster
Toil and pleasure, dissimilar in nature, are nevertheless united by a certain natural bond.
"History of Rome". Book by Livy. Book V, section 4,
Advice is like castor oil — easy enough to give but dreadful hard to take.
"Wit and Wisdom of Josh Billings: Choice Bits of Fun and Philosophy of the Great Humorist Carefully Collected and Revised".
Ivan Illich (1982). “Medical nemesis: the expropriation of health”, Alfred a Knopf Inc