
Inspiring Quotes - Page 3

Every person that you meet knows something you don't; learn from them.

Every person that you meet knows something you don't; learn from them.

H. Jackson Brown Jr. (2007). “Complete Life's Little Instruction Book: 1,560 Suggestions, Observations, and Reminders on How to Live a Happy and Rewarding Life”, p.102, Thomas Nelson Inc

Struggle is a never ending process. Freedom is never really won, you earn it and win it in every generation.

Coretta Scott King, Rev. Dr. Barbara Reynolds (2017). “My Life, My Love, My Legacy”, p.330, Henry Holt and Company

Your own Self-realization is the greatest service you can render the world.

"Abide as the Self: The Essential Teachings of Ramana Maharshi". Documentary, January 1, 1998.

For to be free is not merely to cast off one's chains, but to live in a way that respects and enhances the freedom of others.

Nelson Mandela (2011). “Nelson Mandela By Himself: The Authorised Book of Quotations”, p.158, Pan Macmillan

It is impossible for a man to learn what he thinks he already knows.

"Golden Sayings of Epictetus". Book translated by Hastings Crossley, 2012.

Sometimes, I feel discriminated against, but it does not make me angry. It merely astonishes me. How can any deny themselves the pleasure of my company? It's beyond me.

Zora Neale Hurston, Alice Walker (1979). “I Love Myself when I Am Laughing ... and Then Again when I Am Looking Mean and Impressive: A Zora Neale Hurston Reader”, p.155, Feminist Press at CUNY

We must be ready to allow ourselves to be interrupted by God.

Dietrich Bonhoeffer, Samuel Wells (2015). “Life Together”, p.76, SCM Press