It gave me a strange feeling, and the rest of that night I didn’t say much, but merely sat there and drank, trying to decide if I was getting older and wiser, or just plain old.
Is my growing old making me any closer to Christ? Am I only getting older or am I getting more godly?
Yes and our obsession with youth in our culture and how we, women lie about their age after 35 obsessively and no one wants to let anyone know they're getting older, et cetera.
There are no other factors that cause me stress when I get inside the Octagon. I guess that's an advantage of getting older.
Everything runs its course. We had told a lot of stories that happened in our life. My kid was getting older, and we were running out of stories to tell.
I see that the greatest thing about getting older is how your judgment changes and how you come to understand the cycles of life. And you keep having these amazing flashes of understanding.
It used to be 65 when you went into retirement. Before that, when you got into your 50s, you were getting older.
In youth we run into difficulties. In old age difficulties run into us.
If you're always battling against getting older, you're always going to be unhappy, because it's going to happen anyhow.
One of the things that goes with getting older is that one becomes more conservative - and I emphasise that when I use the word conservative I do not mean politically.
As a musician, life is not over just because you are getting older, and so I find retirement a very frightening and dark thought.
I take life for what it has to offer me. I don't get aggravated about [getting older]. The wrinkles on my face are a natural process, so why should I get angry?
I'm good with getting older, because I feel like one day, I know I will love myself. I can't imagine staying at one age. Ideally, I'd want to be 20 physically but 40 mentally.
Most famous people get younger and younger. I sometimes ask myself that question: 'How come I'm the only person who's getting older?'
It's an epitome of life. The first half of it consists of the capacity to enjoy without the chance; the last half consists of the chance without the capacity.
One advantage of getting older is knowing when to worry.
You can't help getting older, but you can help yourself from becoming old and infirm, in mind as well as body.
Society is so tough and expectations are so unrealistic. Could I take better care of myself? Absolutely. I joke all the time that I'm old and I'm getting older and I feel it, so I guess I would rather talk about it with a smile and say, 'Oh God, I'm old!' than spend all my time at the dermatologist. I approach aging with ice cream and a martini.
Stages are getting higher and higher, and I'm getting older and older.
The minute you're born, you're getting older.
I think that women find their strength and power in their sexuality, in their sensuality within, [through] getting older and being secure within that.
It's not necessarily getting older or the change that comes with it, I think it's more about the memories that you have. Where you can look at your life in these eras.
The whole thrust of science and the medical profession is to try and prevent it from happening, to try to prolong life, to keep you from dying, to keep you from getting older, to rejuvenate you. I mean, that's everybody's wish. The fountain of youth is everybody's sought-after thing.
I have pushed the boat out as far as I should in terms of taking on too many things. I'm getting older and I just could not take it any more. I am now monitoring myself very closely and I'm just trying not to get into that sort of state again.
No, but it’s not because I’m getting older that I’m trying to accelerate. But something very curious is happening: The older I get, the more ideas I’m getting.