Success is the only motivational factor that a boy with character needs.
Without winners, there would be no civilization.
You can never pay back, so you should always try to pay forward.
You can outwork anybody. Try it, you will find out that you can do it.
The only meaningful statistic is number of games won.
I am not very smart, but I recognize that I am not very smart.
Winners are men who have dedicated their whole lives to winning.
A man is always better than he thinks.
I don't apologize for anything. When I make a mistake, I take the blame and go on from there. I just despise to lose, and that has taken a man of mediocre ability and made a pretty good coach out of him.
The most deceptive course in football is straight at the goalposts.
Picking an assistant coach, the first thing I was interested in was the man's character.
When I look in the mirror in the morning, I want to take a swing at me.
Anything easy ain't worth a damn!
Football is, after all, a wonderful way to get rid of your aggressions without going to jail for it.
I love football. I think it is most wonderful game in world and I despise to lose.
To hell with exciting. I'd rather be drab as hell and win.
It's never an upset if the so-called underdog has all along considered itself the better team.
The minute I think I'm getting mellow, I'm retiring. Who ever heard of a mellow winner?
I'm not trying to win a popularity poll. I'm trying to win football games.
Nobody despises to lose more than I do. That's got me into trouble over the years, but it also made a man of mediocre ability into a pretty good coach.
The five big mistakes in football are the fumble, the interception, the penalty, the badly called play, the blocked punt—and most of these originate with the quarterback. Find a mistake-proof quarterback and you have this game won.
You don't get many chances to pay back what's been done for you. Take them.
Jack Tatum could hit a man so hard that it would lift both his feet off the ground.
I may not be able to outsmart too many people, but I can outwork 'em.
The only way we'd get beaten was if we got a little fat-headed, if we didn't train right, if we had dissension on the squad.