
Ted Leo Quotes - Page 2

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If you live up against train tracks, it can make your life a living hell.

"Ted Leo and Ben Arthur Discuss Carly Simon, Joyce Carl Oates, and the Touring Grind". Interview with Ben Arthur, June 26, 2016.

I am always thinking music.

"Ted Leo and Ben Arthur Discuss Carly Simon, Joyce Carl Oates, and the Touring Grind". Interview with Ben Arthur, June 26, 2016.

I actually dream a lot of songs, and I try to be good about voice-memoing ideas.

"Ted Leo and Ben Arthur Discuss Carly Simon, Joyce Carl Oates, and the Touring Grind". Interview with Ben Arthur, June 26, 2016.

I've dreamed about performing songs, songs that don't even exist, as a complete song.

"Ted Leo and Ben Arthur Discuss Carly Simon, Joyce Carl Oates, and the Touring Grind". Interview with Ben Arthur, June 26, 2016.

Most of the time I wind up with a sleepily mumbled melodic line, sometimes with words, sometimes not. But then with my waking brain I have to decide whether it's worth...I mean, sometimes it's not worth it.

"Ted Leo and Ben Arthur Discuss Carly Simon, Joyce Carl Oates, and the Touring Grind". Interview with Ben Arthur, June 26, 2016.

I used to think success would be sustainability. Not being behind the eight ball.

"Ted Leo and Ben Arthur Discuss Carly Simon, Joyce Carl Oates, and the Touring Grind". Interview with Ben Arthur, June 26, 2016.

I gotta make a living somehow, and make ends meet. I accept the idea of having a retirement.

"Ted Leo and Ben Arthur Discuss Carly Simon, Joyce Carl Oates, and the Touring Grind". Interview with Ben Arthur, June 26, 2016.