
Rick Perry Quotes about Country

And I think most people in this country want to see a president that's got the courage to say we're going to cut the tax burden, and reduce the regulatory climate, and we're going to get Americans working.

"CNBC Transcript: CNBC’s John Harwood speaks with GOP Presidential Candidate Governor Rick Perry Today". "Squawk Box", October 25, 2011.

The Obama administration is an affront to every freedom-loving American,and a threat to every private sector job in this country.

"Defense Secretary Robert Gates' Exit Interview; Jon Stewart Talks Politics, Media Bias". June 19, 2011.

I don't want to be the president of the United States. I do want to work with the governors across the country to make the states more pivotal, more powerful, as they should be.

"Now, Hillary Clinton and Rick Perry join ranks of those not running for president. Really, they mean it". November 23, 2010.