Stay in your seat come times of trouble. Its only people who jump off the roller coaster who get hurt.
Oh, things always get better. Tomorrow will always be better. Just think about it . . . is there any time in history in which you'd rather live than now?
The breath is seen to be the key between the emotional state, the mental state and physical state. It is perhaps the most important tool, and it's one whose importance is underestimated in the West.
When Dr. Manner reported on the total remission of breast cancer in lab animals (Using 'Laetrile in conjunction with vitamins and enzymes')..., ACS President, Ben Byrd, criticised (him) for making his announcement in public, and said such announcements should be made only in a proper scientific forum.
Life must always go on and Yoga is not about an escape from life. Yoga's about a way of dealing with life more effectively; to be able to involve oneself with one's family, one's friends, one's social commitments, one's job and yet at the same time maintain one's centre.
Tomorrow has always been better than today, and it always will be.
Self Government won't work without self discipline.
For me, success is, during this early pilgrimage, to leave the woodpile a little higher than I found it.
I am fiercely loyal to those willing to put their money where my mouth is.
Each generation imagines that we're all going to hell. Each generation goes through a little hell and comes out heat tempered and better than before.
The spirit of interdependence will not cost us more than it's worth. On the steep slope ahead, holding hands is necessary. And it just might be that we can learn to enjoy it.
I have never seen a monument erected to a pessimist.
I just get up again when I fall down.
The only ones to get hurt on a roller coaster are the jumpers.
When your outgo exceeds your income, the upshot may be your downfall.
Mr. President, I love you, but you're wrong. (To Richard Nixon, on the Vietnam War)
When people come to Yoga, they are perhaps coming to it at the end of a long series of alternatives, and they're looking for something that's going to act very quickly. But Yoga is not a quick answer.
Yoga is a product of Eastern thought. A further complication is that the early Yoga teachers were both Indian and Hindu. So from the late 1800's and early 1900's the Yoga teachers who came across were as interested in Hinduism as in Yoga. Often what we were being taught was a mixture of two different systems.
Dependency arguments often come from elites - either aid agencies or governments - and say something about attitudes to poor people.
Paul Harvey was the most listened to man in the history of radio. ... There is no one who will ever come close to him.
My own interest in Yoga came from a vague understanding of Indian thought and Indian philosophy in the late sixties and early seventies and from looking at the idea of meditation and at what meditation was.
Everything you use in a modern life style has to be made using a tool of some sort.
For me the breath really is the tool which allows you to understand what's happening on the mental level and what's happening on the emotional level, and it also allows you to measure what's happening on a physical level.
All my life I wanted to play golf like Jack Nicklaus, and now I do.
But, as all scientists know, there is a time lag of 12 to 18 months between the time a manuscript is submitted and the time it is published in a scientific journal.