Present is the reality. The past is finished, and the future doesn't exist. When the Kundalini rises She elongates those thoughts and establishes in the center where there is complete thoughtless awareness. And spiritually you grow in that thoughtless awareness which in Sanskrit we call as Nirvichaar Samadhi.
Once you jump in the ocean of love there's nothing to be done, just to be enjoyed, every wave of it, every hue of it, every touch of it. That is what one has to learn by reasoning that Sahaja Yoga is nothing but - is love.
The truth which can be actualized after Self Realization is that you are not this body, this mind, this conditioning from the past, this ego, these emotions, but that you are the pure spirit.
If you learn how to make fun of yourself, your ego will go down.
So our ego has to be seen. It is to be watched in a witness state, how it works and how it tries to dissuade us from the right path of movement. One has to be only careful on that point because that is the last centre which has to be opened out. Once it is completely open, you are one with the Divine and all your problems will be solved because these problems are so frivolous and have no meaning.
The attention is to be kept pure.
The light of the spirit has to come into your attention.
When you forgive a person, what do you do? You accept the situation, to begin with. And secondly, you forgive what you think has been done wrong to you. But because nothing wrong can be done to your spirit, you just forgive because you are the spirit. And when you forgive, you have found that your tension goes away.
Meditating together is the best way to feel the collectivity.
When we are not realized, we are moving on the periphery, like a wheel and we are disturbed. But a realized soul is on the axis, which is silent. So he has the peace within himself.
Your spirit is to be connected with your attention. Your spirit which is in your heart has to come in your attention. So who does the connection is this power which we call in Sanskrit language as Kundalini.
The reality of en-masse inner transformation of human beings by self-realisation is the most revolutionary discovery of the present age.
Wisdom comes only with innocence.
Change according to the Spirit all your priorities, and then joy is your own.
Joy is not like happiness, unhappiness. It is singular.
The essence of love is concern.
Innocence is the way you really give fun to others, create the fun part of it. The fun is created only through innocence and innocence is the only way you can really emit also the fun. Imagine this world without any fun, what would happen? But people are very much confused between fun and the pleasure. The pleasure is nice to begin with and horrible to end with. But fun is a treasure. Anything that is full of fun you remember all your life.
This all-pervading power is the power of divine love. It thinks. It organizes. It plans. It loves. It is the one which is the subtle of the ether, you can call it. It is the subtle of the matter. It is the subtle of your emotions. It is the subtle of your mental power. It is the subtle of your evolutionary power, but all integrated and coordinated in complete synchronization.
Love is not something dead, like a stone. When it melts, it encompasses everything.
Understand that wisdom is higher than intellect and discretion is higher than debating.
What is the greatest thing in us is our Spirit, is the Spirit that we have and we should know that we should be proud of it that we have got the Spirit within us. And if you become proud, then you will not do nonsensical things.
After Self-Realisation it is easy to perceive the truth that all these religions were born on the same tree of spirituality, but that those in charge of each religion plucked the flowers from the living source and are now fighting each other with the dead flowers of merely partial truths.
You cannot intellectualize the Divine. You have to experience it on your central nervous system.
What is yoga ? In simple words, it is taking your attention to the Spirit. This is yoga. What does the kundalini do ? She raises your attention and takes it to the Spirit. Only after knowing the Spirit you can know God.
You don't have to have blind faith for anything. Blind faith leads to fanaticism. You shouldn't have blind faith at all. You have to experience, and after experiencing if you do not have faith, that means you are not honest.