Nothing would please me more, but who else would pump the oil that we need? God damn America.
I have nothing but scorn for the notion of an Islamic bomb. There is no such thing as an Islamic bomb or a Christian bomb. Any such weapon is a means of terrorizing humanity, and we are against the manufacture and acquisition of nuclear weapons. This is in line with our definition of - and opposition to - terrorism.
The Lybian army is capable of destroying America and breaking its nose.
We are telling the American people to have patience, courage, resolve and determination.
I have said to you before that even if Libya and the United States enter into war, God forbid, you will always remain my son, and I have all the love for you as a son, and I do not want your image to change with me.
Irrespective of the conflict with America it is a human duty to show sympathy with the American people, and be with them at these horrifying and awesome events which are bound to awaken human conscience.
Good morning, people of the U.N.
We [Libyans] support the Palestinian resistance, and all the world supports this. We support their just cause, but we are against terrorism.
We have been terrorised by what happened in America and we express our condolences to the American people who suffered from this unexpected catastrophe and a new world war.