By trying to make things easier for their children, parents can make things much harder for them.
Excessive wealth is a great problem masquerading as a great good.
Never rely on your friends for money, or on your money for friends.
Two of the biggest conversational blunders you can make are saying something when you should stay silent, and staying silent when you should say something.
The music of lovers is not generally appreciated by lovers of music.
The best time to give feedback to strong people is when they're feeling weak, and to weak people when they're feeling strong.
Turning seventy is like beginning the eighth inning of a baseball game. The contest is nearing completion, but there's likely to be some action, and even a few exciting plays, before the game draws to an end.
The best thing about fear is that it provides a wonderful opportunity to demonstrate courage.
We all know that working out reduces stress, but it's equally true that stressing out reduces work.
We can never truly understand the people we hate; we can never truly hate the people we understand.
Instead of talking in the hope that people will listen, try listening in the hope that people will talk.
Why is it that the most important stuff to listen to is almost always the stuff we don't want to hear?
Music doesn't have to be your livelihood to make your 'hood lively.
Adolescence is a kind of slavery cleverly disguised as freedom.
There is one message children can never hear enough as they grow up, and adults should never forget as long as they live: To accomplish big things, you must first dream big dreams.
Most of us recognize how important it is to listen respectfully when our loved ones are talking; but we often forget that it is equally important to talk respectfully when they are listening.
In all human affairs, the wisest course is to be passionate about the role of reason and reasonable about the role of passion.
People sometimes forget when you remember, but they always remember when you forget.
People who are most interested in telling the truth about others are generally the least interested in having the truth told about themselves.
People who parade their holiness are operating dangerously close to the sin of pride.
If you want to understand a difficult or trying person, begin by asking the question: 'What is the wound they are trying to heal?'
If life were like a competitive race, some people would be given a flying start and others would line up with weights tied to their ankles.
The high cost of living is a minor problem when compared to the cost of high living.
The most important dreams occur while people are fully awake.
Never confuse looking your best with doing your best.