Mahatma Gandhi Quotes about Hinduism

My Hindu instinct tells me that all religions are more or less true.
Men like me feel that untouchability is no integral part of Hinduism, it is an excrescence.
I have nothing of the communalist in me because my Hinduism is all inclusive.
Hinduism loses its right to make a universal appeal if it closes its temples to Harijans.
Hinduism dies if untouchability lives, and untouchability has to die if Hinduism is to live.
Harijan service is a duty the caste Hindus owe to themselves.
Hinduism with its message of ahimsa is to me the most glorious religion in the world.
I would far rather that Hinduism died than that untouchability lived.
The untouchability of Hinduism is probably worse than that of the modern imperialists.
Hinduism insists on the brotherhood of not only all mankind but of all that lives.
If untouchability is an integral part of Hinduism, the latter is a spent bullet.
Idolatry is permissible in Hinduism when it sub serves an ideal.
If Hinduism teaches hatred of Islam or of non-Hindus, it is doomed to destruction.
To remove untouchability is a penance that caste Hindus owe to Hinduism and to themselves.