You're the one who held me up Never let me fall
I think it is such a privilege to give a baby its first home inside your body. [After the pregnancy was over] I found myself massaging my stomach gently. I miss him being in my body -- stretching, hiccupping even. It was a wonderful, deep, loving, fulfilling feeling.
You don't think of the devil who's inside.
We are comfortable in this environment. Why not make ourselves comfortable over there?.
I don't listen to my own music at home.
My child was not only carried by me, but by the universe.
For me, singing was real life, not two plus two equals four.
I have a wonderful husband. I have three amazing kids.
It seems strange to say this, but it is true: Coming back to Vegas to work is like going on vacation for me.
Family and friends and Rene and the pregnancy fulfilled me with so much love.