I'm a Queens boy at the end of the day.
I did experiment with marijuana when I was a youth.
I think there's a lot to learn from Rockefeller on how to pass legislation.
I want to be the candidate placed on the ballot by the people, not the party.
People who assume I want to run for elected office may be dealing from a bad assumption.
I am against the death penalty.
I think naturally my orientation is from my father.
I don't think anyone would argue with the notion that there have been serious abuses on Wall Street.
Lesson from Pataki's success is: Use the political moment.
What made Manhattan Manhattan was the underground infrastructure, that engineering marvel.
Lesson 1 from Spitzer: Don't alienate the legislature on Day 1.
I have a portrait of Saint Thomas More in my office.
I don't think bonuses are always bad.
Flooding damage is not customary for New York, especially downstate.
I'm a harsh critic of the status quo.
People are rightfully upset about Wall Street abuses and excess.
He was the keynote speaker for our better angels.